Category: News
WP6 – ELSI, FAIR and fairness: six-month update
In the first six months of the project, WP6 drafted deliverable D6.1 Established Assessment Regime. This document described guidelines for assessing large medical cohorts (LMedC) for their suitability to be included in a future research infrastructure (RI). These guidelines take into account ethical, legal and societal issues (ELSI), as well as the FAIR guidelines for…
INTEGRATE-LMedC: six-month update
This article is 963 words and is a 5-minute read. Project overview The INTEGRATE-LMedC consortium will develop a new concept to guide and support decision-making for the next-generation research infrastructure (RI) to facilitate efficient utilisation and harmonisation of large medical cohorts (LMedC), and to accelerate scientific and medical breakthroughs in Europe and beyond. Achievement of…
INTEGRATE-LMedC project kick-off in Trondheim
The INTEGRATE-LMedC project, coordinated by BBMRI-ERIC in partnership with nine Member states, kicked off in Trondheim on 08 April 2024. INTEGRATE-LMedC will develop a concept to integrate large medical cohorts (LMC) to facilitate their efficient utilisation for translational research and the patient’s and society’s benefit. The concept will seek to accelerate scientific and medical breakthroughs in Europe…