Welcome to the INTEGRATE-LMedC project. LMedC stands for Large Medical Cohorts.
INTEGRATE-LMedC is a concept to guide and support decision-making for the next-generation research infrastructure (RI) to facilitate efficient utilisation and harmonisation of large medical cohorts (LMC). The concept will also accelerate scientific and medical breakthroughs in Europe and beyond.
Mapping large medical cohort need across Europe Identifying unmet medical need and opportunities for improved medical care | Aligning to RIs Identifying user needs of research infrastructure cohort tools and services | Improving quality measures Prospectively improve and standardise quality assurance and control for large medical cohorts |
Ethical and FAIR Identify data, map participant and researcher strategies to prepare guidelines for cohort governance models | Data stewardship and sharing models identifying technologies and architecture for stewardship and long-term availability for sustainable data and sample requests | Data harmonisation and a FAIR catalogue Implement a FAIR catalogue system that contains needed Strategic European Medical Cohorts |
Present a sound science case Enable disruptive research and breakthrough science as proof of concept based on tools, methods, technologies and infrastructures | Guided by solid governance Build on existing governance models for efficient integration of medial cohorts | Define policy Develop guiding principles for how to make ethically provided cohort resources as widely useful as possible for the research community |
Present a new concept Define an overarching and sustainable concept to provide research infrastructures services for large medical cohort studies | Reach our stakeholders Engage key stakeholders to share knowledge generated by INTEGRATE-LMedC and raise wider awareness |
Further project information will be published shortly.